Back pain specialist Perth
No two back pains are alike: Real stories from my patients here in Perth
- Author: Dr Reza Feizerfan
- First published:

Spondylosis Pain Management Perth
Case 1: Robert: “Bending, turning, and sitting aggravate the pain”

Robert is a 50-year-old volunteer firefighter and diesel mechanic. He loves his job but has noticed worsening lower back pain over the past two years. His pain, which spreads to his buttocks and down to his knee, worsens with activities like bending his spine, turning in bed, standing for long periods, or sitting for more than 30 minutes. He takes anti-inflammatories and they help, but the relief is short-lived.
“Robert’s condition was diagnosed as spondylosis, which means his spine and discs are worn out from wear and tear. It’s usually age-related but can happen to younger people too. This condition often responds to standard treatments like physical therapy, simple pain medications, and sometimes injections to manage the pain.”

Robert’s case shows that degenerative changes in the spine can lead to back pain. But not all degenerative changes are painful and need a treatment.
Nerve Sensitisation Perth
Case 2: John: “Everyday activities feel like torture”
John, a 42-year-old public servant, was in a minor car accident six months ago. He was rear-ended while waiting at a traffic light, and the jolt made him stiff by the next morning. The stiffness got so bad that he couldn’t get out of bed. Even after seeing his GP, getting scans, and going to physiotherapy, John’s back pain got worse. The pain spread to his legs, causing muscle spasms and tingling sensations.
John was worried about structural damage, so he saw a spinal surgeon. But after an examination, the surgeon ruled that out. Instead, John was diagnosed with a sensitised back.
Nerve sensitisation, or nociplastic pain, happens when the nerves that handle pain send overly strong signals to the brain. Even gentle touches can feel painful, making everyday activities hard to do.
“John’s back pain treatment here at Pain Specialists WA focuses on calming these overactive nerves using medications, and techniques to reduce nerve sensitivity. He also does physiotherapy to help improve his mobility and strengthen his back.”

John’s case highlights how a very small incident without damage or injury to the body can lead to long-term changes in how the nervous system processes pain causing severe discomfort.
Radicular Pain/Sciatica Perth
Case 3: Wendy: “Pain shoots down my leg whenever I move”
Wendy is a 72-year-old retired accountant who enjoys caravanning. During her last trip, she lifted a heavy esky and felt a pop in her back, followed by back pain spreading to her left leg, causing numbness and tingling in her foot.
Strong painkillers from her GP didn’t help much, but resting did. Her GP ordered a scan that showed a disc bulge pressing on a nerve. This explained why the strong opiod painkillers didn’t work; it was nerve pain. Her GP then arranged an injection through radiology, but it didn’t provide much relief. She was then sent to Pain Specialists WA.
“Wendy had a disc bulge irritating a nerve in her spine, causing pain to shoot down her leg. She got an epidural injection, which significantly improved her symptoms.”

Radicular pain/sciatica like Wendy’s often requires targeted treatments to address the nerve irritation and relieve symptoms effectively.
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These three real scenarios, Robert, John, and Wendy, show that even though their back pain seemed the same, the reasons and treatments were different.
Robert’s spondylosis gets better with anti-inflammatories and physical therapy. John’s sensitised back needs treatments to calm his overactive nerves. Wendy’s sciatica needed an epidural injection to relieve her pain.
“One size fits all doesn’t apply to back pain. It’s my job, as a pain specialist, to figure out what’s causing your pain. Once I understand what’s causing your symptoms, I develop a plan just for you. This might involve medications, physical therapy, injections, or other treatments, all aimed at managing your pain effectively.”

Remember, chronic pain doesn’t have a quick fix, but with the right management strategies, you can find relief. A pain specialist can help you find and use these strategies, improving your quality of life. So, if you’re struggling with back pain, don’t hesitate to get in touch.